Achieving Harmony with Online Work Life Balance Counselling
Since the beginning of the pandemic many people have started working from the comfort and safety of their home. And now that the work-from-home lifestyle is becoming mundane, some do find it difficult to juggle work, family-time, and spending time by themselves.
In this program you will learn how to draw clear boundaries between work life and personal life to have a healthy work and life balance.
How To Begin
Total Number of Stages
Sessions of Betterment
Help Approach
Stage | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Name | Acceptance of flaws | Setting realistic goals | Bringing back the healthy balance |
Sessions | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Details |
Get started with our mind experts today
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Name | Acceptance of flaws |
Sessions | 1 |
Name | Setting realistic goals |
Sessions | 2 |
Name | Bringing back the healthy balance |
Sessions | 2 |
- Identify the area which is causing imbalance
- Work on guilt of not giving enough time to all the aspects
- Understanding, accepting and enhancing the situation by making minor but magical changes in routine.
- Work on actual cause/ situation creating this imbalance
- Work on environmental factors if any
- Learn to make sure to set achievable goals
- Learn to follow routine to improve productivity at work
- How to start the healthy routine by maintaining consistency
- Learn to prioritise your mental and physical health
- How to maintain a healthy cycle of eat-sleep-work-family-me time by juggling all responsibilities effectively
Get started with our mind experts today

Individuals will learn how to maintain work and life balance between the two equally important aspects of modern day life with online work life balance counselling.
Learn to make right decisions and set a healthy routine with online work life balance therapy.
Use online work life balance counselling to set realistic expectations and make the right decisions.
Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. And sometimes, we’re not completely ok – and that’s fine. Talk to a counsellor to reclaim your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.
Anorexia Check
Have a habit of starving yourself or over exercising because you…
Body Dysmorphia
Constantly worrying about your appearance and flaws?
Bulimia Check
Are you overly obsessed with your weight and food intake?
Need a customized plan?
Disclaimer: According to an individual’s case severity, the sessions might vary.
Frequently Asked Questions
Work and life balance is the stage where you are following deadlines at the workplace, giving sufficient time to your family members and friends, and having enough time to sleep and do things for your mental and physical health. And not worrying about work at home and about home at the office.
Work-life balance is very important as it helps a person to achieve the harmony in the important areas of life like family, work, personal growth.
People who are struggling with mental health due to hectic work and family responsibilities and
are finding it difficult even after trying multiple ways of dealing with persistent issues, with this service we will help you achieve the much needed balance.
Yes, counselling can be a great way to help you find work-life balance, simply because a qualified and objective third party will be able to look at your situation in an unbiased way to help you find solutions. Online work life balance counselling and online work life balance therapy can help.
Yes, counselling for work-life balance can be done online. We offer online work life balance
therapy for people anywhere in India.
Since many of us have started WFH because of the pandemic, online work life balance
counselling has become more common. It can be as effective as an offline session.
Yes, you can use WhatsApp for online work life balance counselling, by using the video chat or call functions. It is a good way to attend counselling even if you do not have access to a laptop or desktop.
Online work life balance counselling and online work life balance therapy will vary from place to place and therapist to therapist. We offer one free session at the beginning.