Dealing With Guilt After Mistakes

The emotion of guilt, however, stems from a negative feeling derived from a thought of having done wrong with a tinge of regret to it.

What is Guilt?

Feelings of guilt can arise from intentional as well as unintentional mistakes.

Guilt can shake your self confidence, degrade your own self-image resulting in negatively altering the personality. This is why you should learn how to deal with guilt.

What Guilt Does

Shame, self-sabotaging behaviour, negative self-talk, hatred towards self, are some signs that highlight guilt in a person.

Signs of Guilt

Overthinking and anxiety are dominantly experienced by someone who feels guilty.

Guilt trips are one of the most common problems arising from guilt.

Guilt Trips

Guilt trips act as a barrier against achievements and prospects in life, making one feel like he/she does not deserve it or is not worthy of appreciation.

Struggling to overcome your guilt?

Confide in Ananda

If a person is guilty about failing in a semester because of their casual attitude towards academics, they might feel guilty about wasting time and money.

Positive Impact

The guilt might work as a motivating factor for them and make them more focused in the next exam.

Closure is a crucial aspect when it comes to healing from guilt. It may be dependent on another person at times.


Closure will gradually follow once you forgive yourself, helping you overcome the guilt.

Guilt always comes along with deeper and heavier feelings and is not easy to digest. It is important to lighten your mind before it starts showing physical symptoms like palpitation, fluctuation in blood pressure, headaches, claustrophobic feeling etc.

Not Alone

Replacing the negative self-talk with a self compassionate approach contributes in pulling down the intensity of the guilt and teaches you how to deal with guilt with a softer point of view towards yourself.

Be Kind