Is Porn Addiction Hampering Relationship?

The term "porn addiction" describes a person who is so dependent on porn that it interferes with all other aspects of his life.

What is Porn Addiction?

Porn is a fantasy escape in audio and visual formats with an output intended to amuse, stimulate, and satiate a person's arousal.

Healthy Relationship with Porn

Distorted Reality

Porn addiction sets unrealistic sexual expectations. Usually, the affected individuals lose touch with reality and overly fantasize about their thoughts.

Deteriorates Mental Health

Porn causes psychological distress that leads to severe mental health issues like depression, and anxiety.

One cannot understand the artificial environment and assumes it will be the same in reality, which causes disappointment on the basis of anticipated pleasure.

Sabotaging Relationships

The Causes

Porn addiction can be caused due to biological factors like imbalance in chemicals, childhood sexual abuse, and rejection from a loved one.

There are multiple therapy options that can help a person reverse their porn addiction. Therapy also helps in relieving the pain of sexual abuse.

A Way Out

Get Help, Get better Help someone get over porn addiction. Know the causes, the symptoms, the problems, and the treatment for porn addiction. Read our article below!