The Psychological Perks of Dhol Tasha

Dhol Tasha: A Rich Tradition

A prominent practice in Ganpati, Dhol Tasha was introduced to direct regulation among the youths, awareness among the people, and to create leaders.

Perks of Dhol

Being in a group can help someone psychologically as it gives them a sense of security, belonging, and support. It also provides them a chance to inspire and influence others.

Stress Buster

Performers in the Pathak have remarked that attending practice after a stressful day at work makes them feel relieved and helps them forget all of the day's stresses.

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Physical Workout

The pleasure and physical challenge of playing the dhol are mentioned by non-working or student artists.

A Positive Energy

Playing the Dhol Tasha and expressing all the emotions through the instruments, according to some musicians, can help turn energy—whether positive or negative—into a fruitful output.

A Positive Energy

Playing the Dhol Tasha and expressing all the emotions through the instruments, according to some musicians, can help turn energy—whether positive or negative—into a fruitful output.