Asocial Behaviour Evaluation
The Self-evaluation method is used to rate oneself on the basis of the score obtained on the test and to analyze the situation critically and act on it. This method will help individuals to honestly evaluate their strengths, and weaknesses and get to know themselves better.

Download "Asocial Behaviour Evaluation"
The Asocial Behaviour Evaluation is a short 8- item evaluation wanting to measure your asocial behaviour levels and trying to understand your mental health condition to the best.
Asocial people prefer to do things alone; however, it’s not to be confused with introversion. They also tend to have fears around being rejected, so they limit who is in their social circle. This can sometimes be exacerbated by a depressive episode where they may lack interest in hobbies they once enjoyed.

Severity of Asocial Behaviour – Mild, Moderate, High

It will help you better understand your mental health condition.

The evaluation will help you gain insight into your emotions and work on them.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Asocial Behaviour Evaluation is an assessment that will make you aware of your asocial behaviour levels and its severity. This self-evaluation will give you a better understanding of the symptoms of asocial behaviour, if you have any. It will also give you insights into any issues that you are facing at the moment and to seek help for them.
The biggest advantage of this test is that it gives you an overview of your overall mental well-being in general and whether you need to reach out to a mental health professional to seek help and guidance. Along with this, it will give you an insight into the physical as well as emotional signs and symptoms.
Once you have taken the evaluation and answered all the questions, you will be required to score yourself for each answer and get a total score as well as per the instructions given below the test. Your total score will determine the severity of asocial behaviour that you may be facing. You can then proceed to book a session with Ananda if you feel so!
Asocial behaviours are more personality traits where individuals have a general anxiety or lack of confidence in social situations. They may sometimes avoid these situations as a result, which points toward social anxiety; however, they have no problem socializing with those they already know.
Being asocial is a personality trait that individuals are innately born with. This trait cannot be changed or modified at any given point in time so there is nothing wrong with being asocial to a small extent. This behaviour will only become problematic when it starts interfering with your daily life and starts hampering your daily tasks and activities.
Asocial basically means the declining urge to engage in behaviors that require social interaction or the incapability to engage in social interactions with anyone. Asociality also means lacking sensitivity or regard for social values or norms.
While all asocial people are introverts, only a very small percentage of introverts are asocial. A person who is asocial, like an introvert, has the skills necessary to socialize with others — they simply choose not to. An asocial person will choose not to socialize and would be best described as a loner.
To put it simply- ‘asocial’ suggests a withdrawal, marked by indifference, from society. Being asocial is a personality trait — resulting either from a lack of motivation to engage in social interactions and activities, or a strong preference for solitary activities. If you do have these qualities in you, you might just be asocial but we recommend you to consult a mental health professional.