Speak through colours, patterns, images and creativity
- Choose your endeared form of art to express
- Practice introspection during description of the art
- Address each issue one art form at a time
Art therapy consultations will lead to:
Train the
Controlled Expressions
Psychotherapy not only uses expression through words. Certified art therapists at Ananda will open a new avenue for you to speak out through your work.
Ananda’s services for Art Therapy:
Therapy for Expression
Sometimes, words may fail to portray what you exactly feel. But art will choose a more personalized way to express all that you wish to show.
Bottling up of Emotions
Suppressing emotions for a long time may indicate that they have disappeared because they were not voiced out. But the emotions stay in our unconscious mind. Art therapy is one of the best methods to become aware of and let out those suppressed emotions.
Introspection on self
Art therapy gives you the space and motivation to look into yourself, identify new things that may have otherwise been ignored. It also works on your interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships.
Handling Guilt
The overwhelming emotion of guilt causes self-sabotage. Admitting to the action that is causing the guilt is very painful. Through art therapy you can portray it without having to verbalise it.
Stress & Worry
Get rid of all the negative thoughts, stress, guilt and worry usually associated with pregnancy and delivery. The stress relieving techniques learnt will be helpful throughout your parenting journey.