Corporate Mental Wellness Check Tools
Hectic work days, deadlines, work stress and performance pressure are part and parcel of corporate jobs. Unfortunately, these aspects of the job affect the employee's mental health and in turn reduces his work efficiency. Try out Ananda's tools to gauge employees' and organization's mental health.
Employee Retention Calculator
About 70% of professionals believe their companies could do more to prevent or lessen employee burnout.

Employee Satisfaction Rate Calculator
70% of employees who participate in wellness initiatives at their businesses report higher job satisfaction than those who do not.

Workplace Stress Measurement Tool
When there is a tension between the expectations of the job and the level of control the person has over satisfying those demands, it can lead to stress.

Employee’s Potential And Workplace Stress Rate
About 87% of employees are highly skilled and passionate about their current jobs than those who are not skilled and passionate about their current jobs.

Workplace Loneliness Measure
Workplace loneliness refers to feeling disengaged and disconnected from the work environment and colleagues.

Mental Health Acceptance at Workplace
Only 56% of employees agree that their leadership pays attention to mental health.

Suicide Ideation and Work Strain
11% employees report to suicidal ideation caused by work-related issues.

Calculate Rate of Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying is harmful, targeted behavior experienced at work.

Employee Burnout Levels Post Covid
Job burnout is a type of work-related stress that leads to physical exhaustion and pain along with mental fatigue and a feeling of not doing enough.

Work Life Balance Calculator
50% of employees refuse having job satisfaction due to lack of work life balance. A balanced life is a must for each professional.

Workplace Mental Health Calculator
The work environment highly impacts an employee’s mental health. The mental health challenges they face at their workplace can include job insecurity, strained relations with co-workers, inequality, discrimination, etc.

Work Hours and Percent of Depression
Putting in extra hours at work is viewed as dedication and passion towards one job. Unfortunately, working more than a certain amount of hours does have a negative impact on the employee.

Work Hours and Percent of Stress
A gradual increase in working hours reports a gradual increase in the levels of stress among employees.. Employees report symptoms of high stress during their work hours or even due to the thought of work.

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