Calculate Your Employee's Potential And Workplace Stress Rate
No. of employees in your organisation:
About 87% of employees are highly skilled and passionate about their current jobs than those who are not skilled and passionate about their current jobs.
What makes employees passionate about their work is their commitment to constantly achieving higher levels of performance. Such passionate and highly skilled employees have resilience and a strong desire to learn and grow personally, making them an asset to their organization which needs such employees to take on the daily challenges and hassles.
64% of employees stated that job frustration negatively impacted their work.
Job frustration arises when employees do not get the motivation and joy that they earned from their job. Also, a major reason employees get frustrated at their job can be either conflict with another co-worker or the mental stress of meeting others’ constant expectations and not feeling enough. According to the research paper, these factors can collectively lead to employees getting easily frustrated at their job, negatively impacting their work.
23% of employees cannot work to their full potential due to workplace stress.
It is vital to know that workplace stress is the human body’s physical and emotional response which comes into play when the employer’s job requirements do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the employee. This creates a kind of conflict between both parties involved.
Workplace Stress can be managed by Establishing boundaries with your co-workers and boss, taking time to relax and reflect on your performance, and talking to your manager/supervisor to get some input and support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Attributes of a Potential Employee include-
- Produces High-quality work
- Takes Initiative
- Highly Adaptable
- Jumps on good Leadership Opportunities
- Receptive to Feedback
- Good Communication and Problem-Solving Skills
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