Child ADHD Level Evaluation
The evaluation method is used to evaluate your child on the basis of the score obtained on the test and to analyze the situation critically and act on it. This method will help you to honestly evaluate your child’s strengths, weaknesses and get to know them better.
Download "Child ADHD Level Evaluation"
The Child ADHD Level Evaluation is a short 10 item evaluation wanting to measure your anxiety levels and trying to understand your mental health condition to the best.
A child diagnosed with ADHD has patterns of disturbed behavior that are generally disruptive to others and to adaptable social functioning. Child ADHD addresses issues such as impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity. The inattentive or hyperactive and impulsive features of ADHD in children may arise at any time before the age of 12.
Severity of Child ADHD – Mild, Moderate, High
It will help you better understand your child’s mental health condition.
The evaluation will help you gain insight into your child’s behaviour and actively work to reduce them.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Child ADHD Level Evaluation is an ADHD evaluation test that will make you as a parent or guardian aware of your child’s impulsive and hyperactive levels and how severe it is. This evaluation will give you a better understanding of the symptoms of ADHD, if your child has any. It will also give you insights into any issues that your child might be facing at the moment and to seek help for them.
As a parent/guardian you will understand the basic signs and symptoms that you can look out for in your child for ADHD and whether you need to consult a mental health professional or not. This evaluation will also help you identify any specific triggers that your child may have while dealing with ADHD and related issues.
For an evaluation of ADHD to be made in children, the mental health professional tries to gauge the situation that the child is going through. The common signs and symptoms that they look for in a child are that of extreme hyperactivity in motor activities, an impulsive nature, an above average intelligence, signs of mood or anxiety disorders.
One of the best rating scales for ADHD is the Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale (VADRS) which is a psychological assessment for parents of children aged 6 to 12 and is designed to measure the severity of symptoms of ADHD. This scale also includes items related to other disorders commonly associated with ADHD.
A general diagnosis of ADHD in children can be made at any time before the age of 12 years. It is noticed that child ADHD is found more in boys than in girls for which the reasons are unknown yet. To get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, do consult our experts at Ananda for a better understanding!