Porn Dependency Evaluation
The Evaluation method is used to evaluate oneself on the basis of the score obtained on the test and to analyze the situation critically and act on it. This method will help individuals to honestly evaluate their strengths, and weaknesses and get to know themselves better.

Download "Porn Dependency Evaluation"
The Porn Dependency Evaluation is a short 10-item evaluation wanting to measure your dependency on porn and trying to understand your mental health condition to the best.
Porn Dependency is encountered when an individual views progressively extreme amounts of pornography and experiences a certain joy and elation by doing so. This type of dependency affects the individual’s interpersonal relationships and hampers their growth by constantly putting them in distress and self-pity behaviors.

Severity of Porn Dependency- Mild, Moderate, High

It will help you better understand your mental health condition.

The evaluation will help you gain insight into your emotions and work on them.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Porn Dependency Evaluation is an evaluation test that will make you aware of your porn dependency levels and how severe it is. This evaluation will give you a better understanding of the symptoms of porn dependency if you have any. It will also give you insights into any issues that you are facing at the moment and to seek help for them.
The biggest advantage of this evaluation is that it gives you an overview of your overall mental well-being in general and whether you need to reach out to a mental health professional to seek help and guidance. Along with this, it will give you an insight into the physical as well as emotional signs and symptoms.
Once you have taken the evaluation and answered all the questions, you will be required to score yourself for each answer and get a total score as well as per the instructions given below the test. Your total score will determine the severity of porn dependency that you may be facing. You can then proceed to book a session with Ananda if you feel so!
An individual can be addicted to porn when they start watching it extensively by spending a huge lump sum amount of money on it at the expense of daily or family necessities. Such behaviors turn into compulsions after a point that becomes difficult to resist.
One of the reasons why porn can be addictive is genetics. If the addiction to porn runs in the family, there is a high possibility of it continuing in the younger generations as well. The other reason could be a brain chemical imbalance tying compulsive sexual behaviors to heavy porn use.
Being a porn addict is quite possible when the person starts neglecting personal care, loses interest in other activities, lets go of other responsibilities, sex life starts to be unfulfilling, etc. Individuals addicted to porn do try their best to control their urges but are unable to do so.
Some mental health professionals do consider porn dependency to fall under hypersexual disorder which is an umbrella term that includes behaviors such as excessive masturbation.
Some of the steps that our experts at Ananda recommend are- To begin with your one-on-one therapy sessions as soon as possible, start taking appropriate medication if required and make some drastic lifestyle changes to overcome this problem along with Relationship Counseling with your partner.