Bulimia Nervosa Test
Are you overly obsessed with your weight and food intake? Do you have a tendency to overeat or binge eat, and then feel like vomiting afterwards? Do you abuse laxatives? Take the Bulimia Nervosa Test or online Bulimia Test to assess yourself for the eating disorder.
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General Frequently Asked Questions
There are some noticeable and not-so-noticeable symptoms of bulimia nervosa. These include:
Indulging in a binge and purge cycle, where the person in question eats large quantities of food in a short span of time and then tries to avoid gaining the weight of the food eaten by purging (vomiting).
Another symptom is where the person misuses diet pills, diuretics or laxatives, in order to “flush” their system of the food consumed.
You may also notice that the bulimic person in question will binge on food and then go on a “fasting” period for a long time and not eat anything at all. These people mays also stash food in odd places to binge on later.
Excessive exercising after a binge session is also a sign of probable bulimia nervosa.
If you or anyone you know exhibits these symptoms, please take a bulimia nervosa test.
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Disclaimer: According to an individual’s case severity, the sessions might vary.