Schizoid Quiz
Experiencing reluctance to have close relationships? Prefer your own company? Perhaps it’s more than just loneliness or a phase of being anti-social. Go through the Schizoid Quiz to check whether you have the presence of schizoid traits in you.

Instruction : For each time, indicate how much you have been engaging in the behavior described over the past month. Take your time and answer truthfully for the most accurate results.

Time's up
This quiz/test is not a standardized tool. Hence the final score is not a definite indicator of the respective condition. It cannot replace a clinical diagnosis. Kindly consult a mental health professional if you find yourself agreeing to most of the symptoms on the test.
Who can take this quiz?
Schizoid Quiz is intended for people who are familiar with the experiences of people who suffer from schizoid personality disorder characterised by non-social behaviour and lack of interaction with others. In addition, those unable to express anger, even when provoked, as well as those having a limited range of emotion.
What purpose does this quiz serve?
There is no clinical diagnosis that can be made with this schizoid personality disorder quiz, mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health provider or psychiatrists, or psychologists. The purpose of this schizoid quiz is to provide you with a first step towards understanding any symptoms you might be experiencing in order to receive appropriate assistance.
How do you define schizoid quiz?
Schizoid personality disorder is a rare condition in which people tend to avoid social activities and social interaction and interacting with others in general. It typically shows up in adulthood and often goes undiagnosed. Such people with schizoid personality disorder don’t want to engage in close personal relationships and prefer to be alone. A schizoid quiz or schizoid personality disorder quiz, will take you through a series of questions to see if you are just an introvert, or whether your tendencies to avoid social interactions is actually a schizoid personality disorder.
General Frequently Asked Questions
Schizoid personality disorder is a condition in which people prefer to avoid social activities and social interactions. It generally shows up in adulthood and often goes undiagnosed because people think it is just a phase. If you feel like you don’t want to meet and interact with people most of the time, if you feel like you can’t experience pleasure, or have a hard time expressing your feelings, or reacting in an appropriate manner to situations, you may require help. Schizoid people can also appear indifferent and humourless and detached from the world in general. They may be unmotivated to do things. If you feel you might have these symptoms, it is wise to take a schizoid quiz or schizoid personality disorder quiz.
Schizoids have a tendency to dissociate and switch off. Perhaps because of past trauma as a child, where they were unable to fight the situation, they would dissociate from their body and go to a “safe space” in their mind. This coping mechanism extends to adulthood and schizoids often escape into their minds as a sanctuary and fantasise. The coping mechanism or ability to find a sense of security through being socially detached and inside their imagination is a characteristic of schizoids. So, people who have schizoid personality disorder make up elaborate fantasy scenarios and relationships in their head. And these fantasy relationships are a substitute for the real world, because in the fantasy world, schizoids have complete control over what happens and this makes them feel safe. These are scenarios they have conjured up and feel safe and special to them. If you feel you are not just day-dreaming, but immerse yourself in a fantasy world more often than not to cope with your daily stresses, or because you would rather live in your head than meet and interact with people, it might be a good idea to speak to someone or a therapist. You can start by taking a simple quiz, like an online schizoid quiz or online schizoid personality disorder quiz.
Yes, this is possible. Schizoid personality disorder can co-exist with features of borderline, avoidant, paranoid and schizoid personality disorders. You might be someone who is a schizoid but on a lower scale. If you would like to know how you are faring or where you are on the spectrum of schizoid personality disorder, you can take an online schizoid quiz or online schizoid personality disorder quiz. Once you get your results you can seek treatment and get your proper diagnosis.
Yes, people with schizoid personality disorder can get lonely. Just because they prefer being alone (because of their condition), doesn’t mean that feelings of loneliness cannot come up for them. Understand your state better and whether you have schizoid personality disorder by taking the schizoid quiz.
Schizoids live on limited to no social interaction, so they have few friends and avoid being in relationships. However, that is not to say they have zero friends – they are likely to have friends, but very few.
Yes, schizoids can fall in love – but due to the fact that they struggle with making connections, social interactions and intimacy, their definition of love may be quite different. You can learn more by taking the schizoid quiz.
Some famous people with schizoid personality disorder include Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Bill Gates, Charles Darwin, Bobby Fisher, Karl Marx.
Schizoids are generally detached and have trouble showing emotion, and this includes anger as well. Since they stay so detached from situations, even when they are provoked, schizoids might react in a very cool and detached manner, without really showing the feelings of anger that may be simmering underneath the surface. If you feel this way or know anyone who behaves this way, it might be a good idea to take a schizoid quiz.
Yes, one of the key characteristics of schizoids is that they switch off or dissociate whenever a situation makes them feel stressed or unsafe. If you feel this happens to you often, take a schizoid quiz to uncover your problems.
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Disclaimer: According to an individual’s case severity, the sessions might vary.