Fear of Change
The quote “change is the only constant” proves to be true as life goes on. Situations, people and yourself will go through phases of change that will help you adapt to the current situations. Change however is disruptive. It makes one move out of their comfort zone and this transition gets some people worried.
The extreme fear of change is known as metathesiophobia. However, adapting to the change is the wiser option rather than resisting it. But if the changes in your life seem difficult to adapt to, the therapists at Ananda will help you deal with it.
How To Begin
Total Number of Stages
Sessions of Betterment
Help Approach
Stage | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Name | Identify the Changing Situations / Relationships | Understand the Change | Ways to Adapt to the Change |
Sessions | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Details |
Get started with our mind experts today
Name | Identify the Changing Situations / Relationships |
Sessions | 2 |
Name | Understand the Change |
Sessions | 3 |
Name | Ways to Adapt to the Change |
Sessions | 2 |
- List out the areas in which your life is changing
- Get a clear idea of the causes and effect of these changes
- Identify the triggers of experienced fear
- Develop acceptance of the changes through new techniques
- Incorporate ways to adapt to the change
- Ensure you move forward with the different phases
Get started with our mind experts today

Gain insight on the cause of the fear you feel.
Understand the nature and causes of change.
Prepare to accept the changes and move forward in life.
Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. And sometimes, we’re not completely ok – and that’s fine. Talk to a counsellor to reclaim your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.
Anorexia Check
Body Dysmorphia
Bulimia Check
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Disclaimer: According to an individual’s case severity, the sessions might vary.