How to tackle Bottling up of Emotions
Men have always been taught never to express their emotions openly and never speak up about them. This situation has made them suppress their emotions for longer, and the cycle continues from one generation to the other.
The male counterpart has always been stereotyped regarding self-expression by saying that men do not cry and speak about their issues to anyone or that they need to be strong and tough-hearted for their families to look upto them.
Such words make men the most vulnerable category to face mental health concerns and stereotype them brutally.
How To Begin
Total Number of Stages
Sessions of Betterment
Help Approach
Stage | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Name | Introductory Phase | Venting Out | Onto the Journey of Healing |
Sessions | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Details |
Get started with our mind experts today
Name | Introductory Phase |
Sessions | 2 |
Name | Venting Out |
Sessions | 2 |
Name | Onto the Journey of Healing |
Sessions | 1 |
- Share your thoughts and concerns troubling you.
- Understand the path of healing and recovering.
- Open up about your feelings without feeling judged.
- Pay attention to the changes in behaviour while regulating emotions.
- Make changes in lifestyle to strengthen your relationship.
- Healthy and stronger relationships established with dear ones.
- Learn to engage in self-expression through the right medium.
- Anxiety and stress relieving techniques.
Get started with our mind experts today

Better emotional regulation & Boosted self-confidence
Overcoming unnecessary aggression and other behavioral issues
Stronger familial bonds
Increased productivity
Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. And sometimes, we’re not completely ok – and that’s fine. Talk to a counsellor to reclaim your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.
Anorexia Check
Body Dysmorphia
Bulimia Check
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Disclaimer: According to an individual’s case severity, the sessions might vary.