Prenatal Care
Just like the postpartum period, the prenatal period is also very important as during this period a mother experiences a lot of mood swings and behavioural changes due to
1. Hormones
2. Environmental and physical changes
And having good mental and physical health during pregnancy is extremely important as it affects the mental and physical health of your child.
How To Begin
Total Number of Stages
Sessions of Betterment
Help Approach
Stage | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Name | What's changing? | Explore the possibilities | Be prepared for big day and new journey |
Sessions | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Details |
Get started with our mind experts today
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Name | What’s changing? |
Sessions | 3 |
Name | Explore the possibilities |
Sessions | 3 |
Name | Be prepared for big day and new journey |
Sessions | 3 |
- How to Identify and accept the real feeling
- Learn to ask yourself about things which are bothering you
- How to Accept that the physical change is happening for for good reason
- Learn to assure yourself about the positive outcome
- Pursue an insight about the changes in you and things around you.
- Learn how to talk to your baby as you normally talk to someone close to you (yes your baby can hear you)
- How to build Acceptance of new situation and practicing mindfulness is the key
- How to Prepare yourself for the most amazing journey
- Learn to develop a healthy communication with your partner about your fears and all the mood swings you are experiencing
- How to Build a support system for yourself
- How to Replace fear or giving birth with self compassion and positive thoughts
- How to Talk to your family members to vent out your feelings
- Learn to do mindful meditation
- Planning a healthy routine.
- How to be prepare for a new and bumpy ride ahead
Get started with our mind experts today
With this program you will learn to deal with the prenatal mood and behavioural changes.
This service will also provide you with the guidelines which will help you identify the red flags which shouldn’t be ignored.
Our goal is to keep you emotionally healthy throughout the pregnancy which will surely have a positive effect on you and your child.
It will also enable you to plan and build a support system within your family to avoid severe forms of postpartum depression.
Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. And sometimes, we’re not completely ok – and that’s fine. Talk to a counsellor to reclaim your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Detector
Do you experience a severe, sometimes disabling…
Reduced Sexual Arousal
If you as a female lack sexual desire and find it…
Compulsive Gambling
Is it impossible for you to control the impulse of gambling?
Need a customized plan?
Disclaimer: According to an individual’s case severity, the sessions might vary.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no evidence of depression causing a direct miscarriage. Although, the symptoms of depression may lead to neglect of the unborn child, refusal to maintain a diet beneficial for the baby and other such symptoms which may eventually lead to miscarriaige.
Prenatal depression occurs during pregnancy. Perinatal depression occurs immediately after child birth. But if prenatal and perinatal depression persist for weeks after the birth, it is termed as postpartum depression.
The mothers emotion affect the development of the baby. Hence constant sad or low moods may affect the baby’s brain development. Therefore mothers are always advised to stay happy and not to take stress.
Since women go through a series of hormonal changes during pregnancy and hormonal changes do affect their mood and it can also have positive and negative effects on baby’s growth and development both physically and emotionally. Hence, prenatal mental health is required.
With many researches it is already proven fact that the babies learn a lot from their mother when they are in womb, they can feel, hear their mother and that is the reason if a mother is healthy mentally it does have a positive effects on unborn baby and if a mother is experiencing lot of emotional disturbances it does affects baby’s growth.