Calculate Rate of Workplace Bullying
No. of employees in your organisation:
No. of employees facing workplace bullying
Atleast once
Workplace bullying is harmful, targeted behavior experienced at work. It might be spiteful, offensive, mocking, or intimidating.It is directed at one person or a group of people. Workplace bullying includes abuse, physical or verbal violence, humiliation and undermining someone purposefully.
As research presents, 3.7%, 14% and 39.1% of employees report having experienced workplace bullying often, occasionally and once respectively.
Every company is bound to ensure that their employees do not face workplace bullying. But multiple cases go unreported due to the fear of being shut down or worse, losing their jobs.
Workplace bullying is also seen as a part or corporate culture but when such practices begin affecting the mental and physical health of the employee they must be reported.
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