Workplace Loneliness Measure
No. of employees in your organisation:
Workplace loneliness refers to feeling disengaged and disconnected from the work environment and colleagues. Since employees feel they lack connection with colleagues, they become emotionally detached from the organization and their responsibility in its growth. There has been an ascend in the scale of loneliness in the workplace.
62% of employees face workplace loneliness
Workplace loneliness is the result of various factors such as lack of attachment with team-mates or seniors, discomfort in the workplace setting,changes in work culture, old colleagues leaving or new colleagues joining, changes in the work location, lack of recognition or achievements at work and such others.
This often leads to employees being uninterested in anything related to their tasks or the company. Workplace loneliness can be recognized and dealt with in a way that the employee feels involved and responsible.
46.2% of employees intend to leave a company due to workplace loneliness
One of the reasons as to employees leaving jobs is the increase in the scale of loneliness in the workplace. Since they do not feel attached to their colleagues or the company, they are not motivated enough to show up to work and put in genuine efforts for their tasks. They also do not regret or overthink when it comes to resigning that particular job.
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