Worksheet for
Fact Checks - Insecurity in Relationships
Strengthening bonds that shall last for a lifetime!
Download "Worksheet - Fact Checks - Insecurity in Relationships"
Insecurities in relationships arise mostly due to anticipated threats. When one experiences something unusual the mind captures it as a threat, especially due to past experiences. But most of the time, giving reality checks and being mindful regarding the current situation is necessary to divert yourself from these imaginary scenarios that produce insecurities.
The ‘fact check’ worksheet gives a structure to your thoughts and paints the reality for you. Once you have a clear frame of mind, it is easy to challenge your insecure thoughts and boost yourself. Insecurities stemming from low self esteem and traumatic past are defused making you believe in the beautiful reality.
This worksheet is fun and reliable as it is crafted by Ananda’s thoughtful therapists. Team Ananda believes in mending the broken hearts, but also securing bonds before they get damaged. This worksheet is the proof of the same belief.
These worksheets may trigger few other emotions but remember that these help you release the negativity regarding your issues. It is best recommended to discuss your results with our therapists for further and better guidance.