Connect With Your Subconscious Mind
- Focused in trance
- Profound cognition
- Utilise inward resources

Some of the benefits of hypnotherapy are:
Focus and minutely analyse the pain, hurt and trauma stored within that requires to be revealed.
Through hypnotherapy, one can discover their own suppressed potentials and desires.
Hypnotherapy is conducted in a soothing, calm environment that acts as a relaxation technique.
Clinical hypnotherapy is the portal towards the part of your mind that stores the thoughts, feelings and memories that one may or may not be aware of. Using hypnotherapy as an introspection method will promote self-development.
Defeat Trauma and PTSD
The trauma and negative experiences faced imbed into the mind and shape the behaviour, responses and coping mechanisms of the individual. Tackling the trauma at its face value through hypnotherapy makes it easier to overcome.
The disturbing thoughts, pain and low mood of depression are relieved through the emotional regulations in hypnotherapy. It also give a positive perspective towards self and the environment.
Bullying Trauma
The humiliation and shame caused by bullying causes insecurities, self-doubt and lack of confidence; all of which are depicted through actions and words. To heal the trauma of bullying, hypnotherapy gives access to the inner child.
Overcome phobia
Phobias are set in the subconscious part of our mind. VIsiting the subconscious mind through hypnotherapy will give you a closer look at the intensity and rigidity of the fear. Knowing what troubles you will help tackle it better.
Benefits of Ananda
Easy bookings, no commuting needed
Express yourself without feeling judged
Choose your own therapist
Hypnotherapy can be the part of treatment for anxiety, stress, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, substance abuse including tobacco, sexual dysfunction, undesirable compulsive behaviours, mood disorders, and bad habits.
Do not use hypnotherapy if you have psychosis or certain types of personality disorder, as it could make your condition worse. Check with a GP first if you’ve got a personality disorder.
Three main types of hypnosis are used to hypnotise another person or hypnotise oneself. These three types of hypnosis are traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, and self-hypnosis. Each type of hypnosis varies from one another in terms of practice and use.