Relaxation Through Positive Visualisations
- Promote relaxation
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improve sleep

Some of the benefits of guided imagery are:
Reduced symptoms
The positive images experienced during guided imagery overpower the negative symptoms of mental health conditions.
Easy method
Guided imagery only requires a quiet and comfortable place with a guide, a guiding audio or self-imagination.
Heightened sense
During the process, the five senses are more alert towards the experience along with the focused thoughts.
Subconscious mind
The subconscious mind is peeked into and for ideas during the proess of guided imagery.
Use a method of positive imagery to feel stress and tension free. Your therapist will be your guiding voice towards peace and betterment.
Guided imagery is an effective method for conditions like:
Stress and tension are the primary issues that guided imagery works on. Being a relaxation technique, it helps release tension from the mind and the muscles of the body, promotes calmer thoughts, regulates breathing and blood flow.
Tackle Bottling Up Of Emotions
Guided imagery allows you to explore your own thoughts and feelings of the present and the past. This allows the suppressed emotions to be acknowledged through the imagination. The emotions can be identified and processed through therapy.
Benefits of Ananda
Easy bookings, no commuting needed
Express yourself without feeling judged
Choose your own therapist
Guided imagery is a stress management technique , where you use your imagination to picture a person, place, or time that makes you feel relaxed, peaceful and happy. Imagery is slightly different from other stress management techniques, in that it relies on the use of all of your senses.
The effect of guided vivid imagery sends a message to the emotional control centre of the brain. From there, the message is passed along to the body’s endocrine, immune and autonomic nervous systems. These systems influence a wide range of bodily functions, including heart and breathing rates and blood pressure.
Guided imagery can quickly calm your body and simultaneously relax your mind. It’s pleasant to practise, and not overly difficult or intimidating to learn. And it can help you to de-stress in minutes, but can also be a useful strategy for maintaining resilience toward stress during difficult times.