India is an agricultural country, with approximately 48% of its population depending directly or indirectly on agriculture. This national occupation has a dark side, evidenced by the increasing rate of suicide among farmers.
Even though there have been many political and economic angles to this situation, the most crucial step to be taken operationally is to hear their cry for help. Suicide is more of an emotionally driven reaction toward a painful reality.
But, if these emotions get catered to, and support is provided to tame that forceful desire to end life, many farmers will be alive with genuine hope.
Ananda has taken that step for our farmer friends.
On December 16th, 2022, Ananda launched a Farmers Suicide Prevention Helpline.
The number is +91-7575-7277.
The helpline is accessible to farmers or their caregivers in need. These calls and consultations are free of cost, so it makes it easier to connect. aims to cater to the emotional side of the farmers, present them with confidence and motivation, and teach hope in them. Ananda extends a hand of help to anyone in need, irrespective of their living conditions, location, or social status.
Team Ananda will appreciate the efforts taken by the readers to spread this helpline number across and contribute to saving lives.