Indian actor and composer Vijay Antony’s 16-year-old daughter Meera allegedly committed suicide on 19th September. It is said she was battling stress and was under pressure for the past few months. She was rushed to the hospital immediately after she was found hanging at their Chennai residence but was pronounced dead by doctors on arrival.
Meera was studying in a reputed school in Chennai. She was performing well and was achieving milestones such as being elected the cultural secretary at school. The cause behind her drastic step is still speculated upon.
The police found Meera’s suicide note with stated that she would miss her friends and teachers and that her family would suffer without her. She ended the note with the quote “Love you all, miss you all”.
The rate of teen suicides are evidently soaring. The causes primarily being parental expectations, peer pressure, academic failures, anxiety, loneliness and depression. These young souls are afraid to voice out their vulnerabilities and choose to permanently silence themselves instead.
In the case of Vijay Antony’s daughter’s suicide, more is yet to be understood about her mental state and reasons that led to her drastic step. Her friends and teachers are being questioned by police for the same. The news however has come as a huge shock for the entire Kollywood community. Even Meera’s classmates have taken to social media platforms like X to express their shock and grief.
Vijay Antony, wife Fatima and younger daughter were visibly devastated during the last rites of their dear Meera on 20th September. They are inconsolable at such a time with questions of why their daughter did not confide in them adding to their grief and trauma.