Recite Your Story. Rewrite Your Future
- Reflect your life through a story
- Process the past from a distance
- Create a complete background of yourself.
Narrative therapy will help you with:
Different perspective
View your story as a third person to gain a new perspective on your past situations, trauma and choices.
Join the pieces
Connect the scattered pieces of your life story to create a complete picture with you in the centre.
Create a distance between you and the problem for easier narration and to avoid triggers.
Be the expert of your story and explore your old self, habits, challenges and stories.
Visit a narrative therapist to create a complete picture of your life including your situations, choices, feelings, habits, beliefs and experiences.
Narrative therapy is used to address issues such as:
Saying No Politely
Know the reason for the compulsive habit of saying yes for each request asked and opportunity offered. Resolving the underlying setting will help you to start saying no at the right times.
Stop People Pleasing
Look back into the conditioning that got you into the habit of going out of your way and doing things to keep others happy. The results of compulsive people pleasing act as demotivators for similar behaviour in the present and future.
Tricks To Make Good Habits
The beginning, cause and duration of habits can be traced through narrative therapy; based on which the outcome of the habits is analysed. If required, the habit can be replaced or gotten rid of.
Overcoming Identity Crisis
Past rejections or humiliation make you question your worth. Current confusion and sense of being lost creates a feeling of lack of identity. But revisiting your own story will give you clarity on your past, present and future life.
Reacting vs Responding
Analysing the consequences of past reactions or responses through narrative therapy is a guideline for further reference to make the right response to similar situations in the future. It also helps identify the triggers and the intensity of emotions towards that trigger.
Tackle Bottling Up Of Emotions
Suppressed emotions can be unveiled carefully through narrative therapy which allows a distant perspective of one’s past and present. Evaluating the emotions is also possible with the whole context being recited.
Benefits of Ananda
Easy bookings, no commuting needed
Express yourself without feeling judged
Choose your own therapist
Narrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps people become an expert in their own lives. In narrative therapy, there is an emphasis on the stories that you develop and carry with you through your life.
Narrative therapy can be used for all ages and in treating a variety of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, behavioural disorders, and eating disorders.
This approach seeks to reach one of three goals: to put “untold” aspects of the client’s past into the life narrative, help clients emotionally enter and reauthor their own stories, or help clients construct new meanings in relation to stories that may emerge in therapy.